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Valid for Sitecore 5.3
  Control Panel Commands

This table below shows the client roles required for each of the Control Panel pages and commands.

Page Command Required Roles
Administration Everyone
Show About Sitecore Information Everyone
Show Installed Licenses on this System Everyone
Install a Package Maintaining
Database Maintaining or Developing
Rebuild the Link Database Maintaining
Rebuild the Search Index Maintaining
Transfer Items to Another Database Developing
Clean Up Databases Maintaining
Compare Two Databases Developing
Globalization Maintaining
Export Languages to a File Maintaining
Import Languages from a File Maintaining
Add a New Language Administrator Only
Delete an Existing Language Administrator Only
Preferences Everyone
Change Your Desktop Background Everyone
Change Your Application Options Everyone
Change Your Password Everyone
Change Your Personal Information Everyone
Set Your Regional and Language Options Everyone
Reports Everyone
View the Log Files Maintaining
Scan the Database for Broken Links Everyone
Scan the Database for Untranslated Fields Translating
Security Securing
Open the User Manager Securing
Create a New User Securing
